FESETE - Federation of Trade Unions of Textile, Wool, Garment, Footwear and Leather Workers Trade Unions of Portugal

FESETE is a Private Law Body/Non-profit/National/Trade Union Organisation. It represents at the sectorial level the Portuguese Unions of the Textile, Clothing, Footwear and Leather Industry. At a national level is affiliated to CGTP-IN (National Confederation) and at European level is part of the Executive Committee of the IndustriAll – European Trade Union – the sectorial organization of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC).

FESETE’s main objective is to support and promote the enforcement of the workers fundamental rights namely, the right to work and job security, the right to a fair wage, the right to equal pay for a work of equal value, the right to health and safety at the work places, the right to liberty, union activities and workers committees, the right to the collective agreements, the specific rights for the children, teenagers and women, the right for training, the right to social security and health care.

FESETE also plays an important role: To accomplish the collective labour agreements and participate in the preparation of other instruments of collective labour regulation; To intervene and participate in the modernization of the sector and the restructuring of the companies with the aim of protecting the workers interests; To participate in the preparation of legislation concerning the workers and the sector, as well as, monitoring the implementation of the economic and social plans; To develop the contacts and the cooperation with similar organizations of other countries and consequently the solidarity between workers from all the world, in particular from the sector; To promote own initiatives in cooperation with other union associations and other public and private entities aiming the training, through its Training Center for the textile, clothing and footwear workers (CEFOTEX), of the young for the labour market needs and adults aiming the skills update necessary to follow the technological development and professional conversion.

Textile Workers Union - Turkey

There are 1 million formal textile and leather workers in Turkey and the unionization rate of the seven unions is 8.6% and the percentage of workers covered with collective agreement is 5,1% in which only three of them, including DISK Textile could pass national sector threshold. Before the new legislation, leather sector was separated from the textile sector and with the new Act, textile and leather sectors were combined.

DISK Tekstil is a prominent union in Turkey established in 1965. Before 1980, it has over 100 thousand members. Our Union was closed down by the military government and its executive committee members were arrested. In early 1990s, DISK Tekstil was re-opened and reached to ten thousand members in a short while. However in 2001, Turkey faced a huge economic crisis and especially in textile sector, textile companies could not stand against hard competition coming from China, Pakistan and Indonesia and these huge challenges in textile sector had a consequence of huge withdrawal of all trade unions. DISK Tekstil has started a new organizational leap. Our current member figure is 11 thousand. We have branches in 7 industrial regions. We sign collective agreements in large and foreign textile companies and many medium scale firms. We move with a strategic perspective in organizing textile, leather and footwear sectors.

In Turkey, there are three labour union confederations, Türk-İş, Hak-İş and DİSK - all members of ITUC and ETUC, and one employer union confederation, TİSK.

DİSK (Confederation of Progressive Trade Unions of Turkey) was founded in 1967. DİSK has 19 affiliate unions. In 70s DİSK had its strongest period with its active struggle. In 1980 coup d’etat, military government banned DİSK till 1992 when it re-opened.

BDSZ Trade Union of Mine, Energy and Industry Workers - Hungary


In the life of the Mining and Energy Workers' Union (BDSZ), 2009 brought a significant change. After lengthy negotiations, negotiations, the Trade Union of Clothing Workers (RDSZ) and the Trade Union of Textile Workers (TDSZ) merged with the Mining, Energy and Industry Workers' Union. On 1 July 2011, the Trade Union of Leather Workers (BDSZ) joined our trade union.

Our goal is to create a unified industrial union in Hungary, which can concentrate its powers on employee rights. To this end, we are continuing our ongoing fusion efforts.

BDSZ XXXIV. His congress was held on 13-14 November 2014. The BDSZ congressional delegates unanimously adopted the report on the past five years, discussed something and adopted the trade union's 5-year program. (the program can be read here) The new leadership was also chosen. The president of the trade union is Ferenc Rabi, the two vice-presidents: László Pápis and Éva Varga.

The General Workers' Union (GWU) is a national trade union center in Malta.

The main objectives of the General Workers’ Union of Malta (GWU) are to ensure acceptable working and living conditions for its members that also reflect the ongoing progress in society

The GWU declares that it will promote and make sure its members are treated and considered according to the charter of workers’ rights and ensure the following :

1. Social justice together with equal opportunities for everyone to achieve a decent and just daily living;

2. Equal opportunities of work and which best suites the individual without any form of discrimination;

3. Security and proper entitlement of income;

4. Promote and safeguard a Health and Safety environment at the workplace; 5. Representing workers rights on a national and European level.


The Sections of the GWU represent different working sectors and each member is represented in his/her relevant Section. The Sections are the following

1. Chemical & Energy;

2. Disciplinary Forces, Security and Law Enforcement Officers;

3. Food and Hospitality

4. Government and Public Entities;

5. International;

6. Metal and Construction;

7. Professionals, Finances and Services;

8. Technology, Electronic and Communication;

9. Transport, Maritime and Aviation;

10. Senior Citizens;

11. Youths

IndustriALL European Trade Union (European Federation of Trade Unions) - Belgium


The industriAll European Trade Union aims to develop common views and positions with its affiliates in order to build up efficient strategies to defend the economic, social and cultural interests of the workers in these industries on a basis of solidarity, mutual respect and common principles. The industriAll European Trade Union advocates thorough social reforms, the reinforcement of democracy and the promotion of economic and social progress in Europe. It supports an integrated Europe without borders, with common social standards, a high level of social protection and the involvement of workers and trade union representatives.

The industriAll European Trade Union is established to organize and enhance the collective power of working people in Europe, to defend their rights and advance their common goals with respect to both companies and States. To this end, the industriAll European Trade Union works on pushing forward the coordination and development of collective bargaining, industrial relations and social policies. We aim to be a powerful player in the European policy arena vis-à-vis European companies, European industries, employers’ associations and European institutions.